The Eliaden 2018 – A Great Success

The Eliaden 2018 was visited by more than 19000 people who got a total of 12000 m2 with stands of very high quality presented by 298 people.

Elkapsling AB had a stand at Eliaden 2018, and showed several products that got great interest in visiting.

Elkapsling hadde godt besøk av interesserte aktører i det norske marked, og fikk god tilbakemelding fra elektrobransjen om at Elkapsling kommer til å bli en enda viktigere aktør på spesial kapslinger i Norge.

As a relatively new industry in Norway, Elkapsling has made a lot of progress among several major players in the electroindustry, and has steadily increased the number of companies in the industry. Elkapsling is considered a professional product in Scandinavia with a short delivery time and easy communication

Vi takker alle besøkende på vår stand, og ser frem til videre samarbeid med våre kunder i Norge.



The new gaming cabinet HULDRA, which can be delivered as a flexible lego system – was positively received by visitors who have a need for this type of enclosure.

Elkapsling Nødskap i syrefast utgørelse var det også stor interesse for, og Elkapsling fikk gode tilbakemelding fra besøkende at kvalitet ble ivaretatt med Elkapslings løsninger for nødskap.


Since 1971, Elkapsling has been manufacturing cabinets and enclosures for the protection of electrical and electronic equipment. The entire production line takes place in the factory, which is beautifully located by Ljungan's beach in Alby in western Medelpad.

The customers are mainly in the Nordic countries. Electrical enclosure have approx. 95 employees. We operate in the four segments Infrastructure, Industry, Telecom and Energy.

For comments

Emile Frantzen
CEO Elkapsling
+46 690-76 30 08